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公司名称: 广州上和电子科技有限公司


企业成立: 2008-11-08 员工规模: 100 - 599人

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·广州市上和电子科技有限公司成立于2008年,是国内*的*企业。公司集产品“研发、生产、销售、服务”为一体,企业产品通过ISO质量管理体系认证,是广州首批高新技术认定企业。 公司产品开发生产包括有数码产品、DVD、EVD、移动DVD、车载DVD、迷你组合、挂壁式液晶彩电,平板液晶,曲面液晶电视;旗下有多款液晶电视品牌:索尼液晶电视,康佳液晶电视,TCL*液晶电视,海信液晶电视。公司研发实力,生产规模和产品市场占有率均为国内*水平,具有完全自主*,拥有多项*产品包括车载DVD、挂壁式液晶彩电。 产品在行业内已享有盛名,是音响行业*会员单位。公司厂家长期的技术创新,产品研发项目运营过程中已经掌握了产品核心技术积累了大量的宝贵经验,培养*及精锐的技术管理团队为产品提供长期稳定强有力的*基础。 上和电子工厂始终秉承“诚信、创新、和谐、共赢”的经营理念,坚持“创新成长为客户提供最有价值的好产品和服务”!

Guangzhou shanghe electronic technology co., LTD., founded in 2008, is a handful of domestic well-known enterprises in China. Company set product "research and development, production, sales and service as a whole, the company product passed the ISO quality management system certification, guangzhou is the first batch of high-tech enterprises. Company product development and production including digital products, DVD, EVD, mobile DVD, car DVD, mini combo, wall-mountable liquid crystal TV, flat-panel LCD, surface LCD TV; How kind of LCD TV brand: SONY LCD TV, konka LCD TV, LCD TV, TCL trump card hisense LCD TV. Company research and development strength, the scale of production and product market share of domestic le*g level, with completely independent intellectual property rights, has a number of patented products including car DVD, wall-mountable LCD TV. Products enjoys a high reputation in the industry has, is a member of the audio industry top ten. Company factory long-term technological innovation, product research and development in the process of project operation had mastered the core technology products has accumulated a lot of valuable experience, cultivate efficient and technical management of the elite team to provide a stable and strong quality assurance products. And electronics factory has always been adhering to the "integrity, innovation, harmony and win-win" business philosophy, adhere to the "innovation to provide customers the most valuable products and services"!



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